The Ukrainian Conflict Reveals Putin Has Already Lost The Culture War

In deciphering Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, some political commentators are covering the war with deceitful contrarianism, condemning the United States for “provocative” foreign policy in the Slavic region. Supposedly, the eastward expansion of NATO – a defensive military alliance that has yet to attack Moscow since 1949 – makes people empathetic towards nuclear conflict. …

The Ukrainian Conflict Reveals Putin Has Already Lost The Culture War Read More »

The “Great Man-Made River:” Libya’s Massive Infrastructure Project You’ve Likely Never Heard Of

With 26 percent of the nation’s GDP reliant on agricultural exports, Libya and its 1.3 million inhabitants received a break in 1958 when oil reserves were found resting under its desert territory.[1] The discovery of the natural resource was ideal because of the reserves’ volume – roughly 48 million barrels worth– and because Libya was …

The “Great Man-Made River:” Libya’s Massive Infrastructure Project You’ve Likely Never Heard Of Read More »